I took my Chevy Corvette in to get its smog check, and the smog tech advised me that I had a non California legal air intake, AIRAID model #252-218. This vehicle was smog checked and passed in May 2013, with the existing air intake.
I would like to know if I need to get a new California legal air intake, or what my options are?
The smog technician is correct. AIRAID model #252-218 has not been approved by the California Air resource Board for use in California. This cold air intake system does not have an EO number issued to it and will cause a visual (tamper) smog check failure.
Your option is to replace the air intake system with an OEM part. We were unable to locate any aftermarket cold air intake system, approved by CARB, for any 2007 model Chevy Corvette in either engine size configuration, 6.0 or 7.0 liter.
Your Corvette's prior smog check passed more then likely due to the cold air intake being overlooked by the previous smog technician. Since the implementation of the STAR smog check program smog technicians are much more cautious when inspecting for smog failures, as they can lose their STAR status; dramatically reducing the number of vehicles they can inspect.
posted by SmogTips Support
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